10-30 to 11-3-2017

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ALL PODCASTS (last 90 days) on BillMeyerShow.Com

Bill’s Guests for: Friday, November 3, 2017:

6:20: Alfredo Ortiz, President and CEO of the Job Creators Network talks with Bill about the House Republican’s tax legislation which calls for a more simple tax code for small businesses and gives small business owners much needed relief.

Learn more at: JobCreatorsNetwork.com.

6:35: Eric Peters, automotive journalist, libertarian thinker and force behind EPAutos.com chats with Bill. The Tesla issue rages on. We’ll look at the silence from automotive journalism about big quality control problems at Tesla Motors.

Read Eric’s article: “A Tesla Owner Speaks,” at EPAutos.com.

7:10: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoors himself, from RogueWeather.com, calls in to bring you the Friday Water World Boat & Powersport Outdoor Report.

7:35: Craig Prewitt, Chair of the Phoenix/Talent School Board joins Bill, live in studio for a Q&A on Tuesday’s $68 million dollar bond vote.

8:35: Mighty John Marshall, The Record Guy calls the show. Mighty John will tell the Top 10 records to be “thankful for,” because if you find a copy of one, it may mean big bucks!!!

You can check out more about John’s collection and valuing system at MoneyMusic.com.

Bill’s Guests for: Thursday, November 2, 2017:

6:35: Pamela Geller, founder, editor and publisher of The Geller Report and President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative and Stop Islamization of America, talks with Bill about her new book:

Fatwa: Hunted in America.”

For speaking out against militant Islam and Sharia Law, Pamela Geller has become the subject of a Fatwa, which is described by her, as a death sentence by Muslim authorities, right smack dab in America.

Get your copy of Pamela’s book right HERE. You can also check out her website: PamelaGeller.com. And, don’t forget to follow Pamela on Facebook and Twitter: @PamelaGeller.

7:50: Dr. Adam Davis, a Medford resident that will speak before the Medford City Council today, and would like other people to show up to the meeting, to get the council to lighten up on “chickens in the city,” regulations which were recently tightened.

8:10: Trent Carpenter, GM for Southern Oregon Sanitation talks with Bill. Changes are coming to the recycling industry, and how it will affect the recycling capabilities in Southern Oregon.

Recycling Market Crisis – Update

Grants Pass, OR – Southern Oregon Sanitation (SOS) continues to keep all stakeholders in the current recycle crisis informed with the most current information. As directed by the Counties and Cities we operate recycle routes in, SOS has requested and received from the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) a Conditional Material Handling Concurrence.

This concurrence allows SOS, when needed, to dispose of recycle material in the landfill when there is no viable recycle market for the material.

At this time, we plan to continue to operate our recycle routes as normal but our recycle depots (1381 Redwood Ave Grants Pass, 42 Ball Road Eagle Point, and 905 Kerby Mainline Road. Kerby) will no longer be accepting any types of plastic or paper.

Bill’s Guests for: Wednesday, November 1, 2017:

6:35: The Stream’s Rachel Alexander talks with Bill this morning with the latest on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates. There are many who are suspicious of Mueller’s motives saying the Manafort indictment is nothing but a political charade. You can read Rachel’s article on this very subject at TheStream.org.

7:35: Oregon State Senator Dennis Linthicum (R – Klamath Falls), talks with Bill. We’re talking the removal of Klamath Dams, and what can be done to stop it. The Klamath County Board of Commissioners are set to have a meeting about it today at 10:30 this morning. Senator Linthicum is here to tell you what to expect.

Here’s his letter to Zinke – You should comment, too.

Dennis Writes: Recently, Congressman LaMalfa (CA-R) hand-delivered constituent letters to a meeting with Secretary of Interior, Ryan Zinke. The bundle of letters expressed strong opposition to removing the four Klamath River hydro-electric generating facilities.

You may also submit your own comments regarding dam removal to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

  1. Go to https://ferconline.ferc.gov/quickcomment.aspx
  2. Enter your information including e-mail. Open automatic e-mail from FERC, follow link from there to submit comment.
  3. In the Docket field, enter P-2082-062 to specify the project.

My own letter to Secretary Zinke is included below, for your perusal:

Department of the Interior

Secretary Ryan Zinke

1849 C Street, NW

Washington DC  20240


Re: Klamath River Dam Removals

October 20, 2017

On October 17, 2016, President Obama’s Secretary of the Department of the Interior (DOI), Sally Jewel, submitted a recommendation to the Secretary of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) advocating for the removal of four hydroelectric facilities on the Klamath River.

Jewel’s recommendation is diametrically opposed to the opinions of my constituents, in Southern Oregon. Nearly 80% of voters in Klamath County, Oregon and Siskiyou County, California, where the dams are located, expressed their strong opposition to destroying these four important facilities. These dams currently provide a consistent supply of low-cost, renewable, hydro-electric base-load grid-power.

Jewel writes, “While these dams brought prosperity to many, their construction came at a steep cost to tribes and fishing communities. The returning runs of salmon repeatedly bludgeoning themselves against the new dam walls were a harbinger of a declining fishery that cast a cloud over those who, for millennia, have called the Klamath home.”

These statements are all misleading. First, the dams not only brought prosperity to the region, but they continue to bring prosperity to all people groups throughout the Pacific Northwest. Throughout Oregon and the Northwest, enormous percentages of electrical grid supply is provided by the inexpensive, run-of-river hydro-electric generation facilities in the region.

Second, I would suggest that salmon are not “bludgeoning themselves” against existing dam structures that have been in place for over a half-century. School children know that salmon return to the place where they were hatched to spawn. This means that scores of generations and millions and millions of salmon have never tried to swim past the dams. Also, fish ladders currently exist to help native fishes return to their spawning grounds and they have been successfully navigating these waters for decades.

Third, the problems associated with enormous volumes of sludge accumulated behind the dam structures ought to be a genuine concern for future generations of salmon, trout, aquatic wildlife and river habitat. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement did not address or investigate mitigation efforts that might be required to handle the potential damage from the estimated 20 million cubic yards of accumulated sediment. This issue is not easily side-stepped because it is an equivalent 2 million ten-yard dump truck loads of silt, sediment and sludge which will be dumped into the river system. Surely, the existing downstream salmon fisheries will bear the burden from this harmful sludge.

Fourth, “the greatest harbinger of a declining fisheries which might cast clouds over” those who live, work, and play in the Klamath region needs to be correctly identified. It isn’t dams. Rather, like the rampant wolf population explosions in Montana, the salmon declines are directly related to federal policies.

The passage of the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) in 1972 committed the United States to long-term management, conservation, and moratoriums on taking marine mammals, like the seals, sea lions and porpoises. Studies by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have documented the enormous growth in sea lion populations and the negative impact that seals and sea lions have on free swimming salmonids in rivers and estuaries in the Northwest.

This is no small matter. The sea lion population has ballooned to over 300,000 mammals in the Pacific Northwest. Each adult lion consumes nearly 18 pounds of fish per day. This equates to a take of nearly one million tons of fish annually.

Additionally, salmon are a transpacific anadromous species that spends between three and five years in the Pacific Ocean migratory patterns before returning to their spawning grounds. During this time in the open ocean uncontrolled foreign fishing fleets have years of unfettered access to these fish populations.

Therefore, the dams are not the problem.

The salmon populations have been thriving while the dams have been in place. The dams provide inexpensive, renewable electricity, flow control for watershed volume and temperature, recreation and agricultural reservoir capacity, and Forest Service fire suppression storage in the extremely remote regions of Northern California and Southern Oregon.

Decommissioning and removing the dams owned by PacifiCorp is not about the river, its cultural significance, jobs, race, ag-business, or water. Rather it’s a potpourri of special interests, rent-seekers disguised as noble businessmen, enlarged bureaucratic dominion and strategically manipulated environmental emotions

I humbly ask for your consideration of the items I have enumerated here and the evidence that has been accumulated by the investigating agencies. I also suggest that a willingness to listen to the constituents who have lived, worked and invested their lives in the Klamath River watershed should play an important role in your determination.

In closing, as a State Senator representing Southern Oregon, my constituents have made their voices clear. The dams are viable economic assets that taxpayers have funded. Destroying these resources will not contribute to Making America Great Again.

Therefore, my request is that the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) deny the decommissioning of the four dams within the Klamath River system.


8:10: Tara Ross, lawyer and expert on the Electoral College chats with Bill today. After losing two of the past five presidential races in the Electoral College, furious Democrats are determined to never let it happen again. In fact, Hillary Clinton even calls for ending the Electoral College in her new book!

Tara Ross, in her brand new book: “The Indispensable Electoral College: How The Founder’s Plan Saves Our Country from Mob Rule,” shears the loud cries of the, sore-losing Left, and explains why the Electoral College is not a partisan political issue, but our stability as a nation depends on it.

You can get your copy of Tara’s book, see other books by her and read her articles at TaraRoss.com.

8:45: Blake Matray, CEO and Harvey Potts, Development Director from  Dogs for The Deaf, join Bill live in studio. Dogs for The Deaf has taken on a new name: “Dogs for Better Lives.” Blake and Harvey are here to tell you all about it.

You can find out more at: DogsforBetterLives.org. Also check them out on Facebook and Twitter.

Bill’s Guests for: Tuesday, October 31, 2017: Happy Halloween

6:35: Chris Harelson, Chariman of the North American Executive Board talks with Bill. An event will be taking place this weekend at the University of Oregon’s Eugene campus. The event, called the Students for Liberty Pacific Northwest Regional Conference is aimed at promoting the ideals of a free society, and to encourage local activists to take action. The event will feature young libertarian leaders from across the nation, and will also include distinguished speakers such as Oregon State Senator Dennis Linthicum, and more.

If you’d like to attend, you can register at: StudentsForLiberty.org.

When: This weekend. Saturday, November 4th.

Where: The University of Oregon in Eugene.

Registration is at 1:30pm and will run throughout the day.

7:35: Kevin Starrett, founder of the Oregon Firearms Federation chats with Bill. Kevin will give his thoughts on Senator Jeff Kruse and the “touchy-feely” accusations made by Senator Sara Gelser.

Check out more at OFF.org.

8:10: Dr. Dennis Deruelle, physician and National Medical Director of Acute Services at IPC Healthcare, also author of the book: “Your Healthcare Playbook: Winning the Game of Modern Medicine talks with Bill.

We’ll be talking about President Trump’s speech on the opioid epidemic going on in America, and what needs to be done next to stop the poison from coming across our borders.

Pick up a copy of Dr. Deruelle’s book by clicking here.

Bill’s Guests for: Monday, October 30, 2017:

6:35: Colin O’Mara, President & CEO of the National Wildlife Federation talks with Bill this morning. The National Wildlife Federation released a report titled: “Megafires: The Growing Risk to America’s Forests, Communities and Wildlife.” Colin O’Mara is here to go through the report with Bill, and what they believe needs to be done in the future.

You can read the report for yourself right here at: NWF.org.

7:05: Greg Roberts, Mr. Outdoor himself, from RogueWeather.com, calls in to bring you the Monday Water World Boat & Powersport Outdoor Report.

7:20: Rick Manning, President of Americans For Limited Government talks with Bill on the latest going on in Washington D.C. including the indictment of Paul Manaforte, and other shenanigans from The Swamp. Find out more at GetLiberty.org. And, you can read more at: NetRightDaily.com.

7:35: Dr. Robin Miller talks with Bill today. Dr. Miller’s new book: “Healed: Health & Wellness For The 21st Century,” explores her ingenious work, which provides an innovative approach to what it means to “be well,” by combining ideas from conventional medicine and her 33 years of patient experience to establish a new standard for what it means to be healthy. The book combines cutting edge science with some basic key advice to help anyone take charge of their own health – including drug-free ways to tackle mental health – by challenging readers to discover their best self through solutions made to maximize wellness physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Get your copy of Dr. Miller’s book at WellHealed.net.

Dr. Miller and co-author, Dave Kahn will be holding a book signing next Friday:

When: Friday, November 10, 2017 from 7 to 8pm.

Where: Bloomsbury Books, 290 E. Main St, in Ashland.

8:10: Dr. Dennis Powers, retired Professor of Business Law and local historian joins Bill, live in studio, for this week’s edition of: “Visiting Past & Present.” This week:

Pat McCoy Moran: Jazz Pianist/Songwriter

By Dennis Powers

Patti Moran was born in Enid, Oklahoma in 1934. Her first musical memory was hearing her father playing ragtime pieces on a piano in their living room—and he was from a long-line of musicians. At the age of four, this diminutive little girl from the plains of Eastern Oklahoma, climbed upon the piano bench, stretched her fingers over the keys, and began to make music.

At the age of 12, Patti was playing with symphony orchestras and a few years later received a scholarship to study piano privately with Edwin Hughes, the Professor of Music at Juilliard. She headed to the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music to be a concert pianist, but after listening to a concert by famed jazz pianist Oscar Peterson, Patti changed music directions into “progressive” jazz.

The next year, she was in Chicago where she learned to play bebop. She founded the Pat Moran Quartet, which later became the Pat Moran Trio, and played New York’s Hickory House, the Birdland and the Blue Note concerts in Chicago. The young, talented Moran performed with singer Beverly Kelly, bassist John Doling, and drummer John Whited. In the mid-1950s, she released two albums for Bethlehem Records. Later releasing albums for the Audio Fidelity label, Patti also performed (1959 – 1961) with Mel Torme, Oscar Pettiford, and the Terry Gibbs Dream Band.

Her recordings include: “Porgy and Bess” with Duke Ellington and Mel Torme; “The Pat Moran Quartet” (while at Birdland); “This is Pat Moran” with virtuoso bassist, Scott La Faro. During the 1950s and 60s in Las Vegas, she had Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., Dean Martin, and even Elvis frequenting her show. In the late 1950’s, she was on the Tonight Show when hosted by Steven Allen; Andy Williams and Jonathan Winters were on this show with her.

Even with all of these accolades, Patti never enjoyed travelling the jazz circuit. One night in Denver, Colorado, she met a soldier, Mike McCoy, who was heading over to Vietnam. A year (or so) later, she married Mike and became Pat Moran McCoy. In the mid-1960s, she pulled away from the national jazz scene and they moved to Ashland. Mike was from Oregon and they began raising their family of five children–Sean, Alison, Aaron, Gabriel, and Kelly—with all heading at one time or another into singing and/or musical careers.

Patti first worked with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival “rehearsing the music and playing the shows.” She also recorded two CDs in Los Angeles, continued her concerts, and wrote jingles for the ad agency that Mike started. She opened the first jazz concert (1979) ever played at the Britt Festival in Jacksonville with Dave Brubeck.

In the early 1980s, Moran released an album of children’s songs, “Shakin’ Loose with Mother Goose,” in collaboration with Steve Allen and Jayne Meadows. The album’s companion book was awarded the American Book Award. In later years, she was featured in National Public Radio’s jazz programming, plus she played at black churches around the country after she embraced religion and added gospel music to her repertoire.

In 2001, Patti released her CD, “Jesus in Paris,” which encompassed jazz, classical, and gospel piano styles. Patti wrote most of the songs and different noted musicians and gospel singers accompanied her. She lived in Jacksonville, as well, while they raised her children, recording music, giving jazz presentations, and performing locally with musicians from the Britt and Jacksonville Jubilee! to Alexander Tutunov. Presently, they live in Central Point.

Patti can play bebop, jazz, blues, ragtime, gospel, swing, boogie-woogie, and classical (Mozart, Chopin, Prokofiev, etc.); additionally, she teaches piano and continues composing. And is still considered as one of the top jazz pianists ever.

Be sure to pick up a copy of Dr. Powers’ new book: “Where Past Meets Present: The Amazing People, Places & Stories of Southern Oregon,” at Hellgate Press.